Leaf Pick-up Districts 1 & 6 Only
Leaf Pick-up for Districts 1 and 6 only is held twice each year as follows: The first three (3) days in May and October. Please have your yard debris at the roadside on Sunday evening of those weeks for pick-up. Both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up by the Highway Department once during this time. Please contact the Highway Department if you have any questions.
Yard Waste Recycling Center reminder: The Town of Clay offers a yard waste recycling center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Blvd. The site will be open the second Saturday of each month from April - November, 8:00 a.m. - noon. Town of Clay residents may drop off (free of charge) yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, shrubs, trees (including stumps), and concrete. Please NO plastic pots or plastic packaging of any kind, including retail bags or plastic trash bags. If you bring any material in plastic, please be prepared to take it with you. If you have any questions, please contact the Highway Department. You may also visit Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency's (OCRRA) website at www.ocrra.org or call (315) 453-2879 to obtain information on their yard waste options.