Highway FAQ

Recyling Bins

Questions and Answers

How do I replace my recycling/blue bin?

  • Recycling/blue bins can be obtained at the Highway Department, located at 4483 State Route 31, Clay, NY. In order to discard an old recycle bin, place a sign on the damaged bin that reads "TRASH, please take."

The Highway office hours are as follows:

  • Summer: April - October - Monday-Friday - 7:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
  • Winter: November - March - Monday-Friday 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m

Snowplow: Damage to Mailbox or Yard?

Questions and Answers

What happens when a resident's mailbox is damaged during the winter?


Please call the Highway Department at (315) 652-3800 ext. 124 as soon as possible. As a courtesy, Highway will arrange to asses the damage and attempt to repair and upright your mailbox so you can receive mail. Resident mailboxes are located in the Town's right of way. Under the New York State Highway Law 319, the Town is not legally responsible for replacing mailboxes that may have been damaged by the snow removal process. The Town is mandated to clear the roads for emergency vehicles

The only mailboxes that will be replaced due to plow damage are standard metal mailboxes with 4x4 wooden posts

Under no circumstances will a mailbox be repaired or replaced for the following conditions:

  • Spindle type wooden post
  • Plastic mailboxes of any kind, including Rubbermaid green surround
  • Posts which are already in unstable or poor condition
  • A mailbox that popped off the cross support and shows no damage
  • Mailboxes located on County or State maintained highway
  • Newspaper tubes will not be reinstalled, repaired or replaced

All mailboxes damaged during the winter season must be reported to the Highway Department by March 31st of that year.

The snowplow damaged our yard while plowing snow, when can I expect this to be repaired?


Lawn repairs begin early summer, generally the first part of June, after the ground has a chance to thaw and the topsoil is dry and usable. It is not necessary to call to report this as the crews travel each and every street in the town and repair the damage.


Questions and Answers

Who do I contact regarding a street light that is not working?


Contact National Grid at their customer service number: 1-800-642-4272. National Grid owns and maintains all of the poles/fixtures.

Disposal and Brush Pickup for Districts 1 & 6

Questions and Answers

I have yard waste remaining after the semi-annual pickup. What do I do with it?


There are two compost sites that are run by Onondaga County that you may take your yard debris to. Information regarding the compost sites is available by calling OCRRA at (315) 453-2866 or visiting their website at http://ocrra.org.

If you are removing large trees or having major yard work done, schedule the work before the semi-annual pick up. Pick ups are the first three days of the first full week of May and October only.

Yard waste after the pick up, are the homeowner's responsibility.

As a reminder: the Clay Yard Waste Recycling is free and open the second Saturday, April - November from 8:00 a.m. - noon. The location is one mile east of Henry Clay Blvd. and Oak Orchard Rd.

I have items that are not household trash. How do I dispose of them?


Please call OCRRA at (315) 453-2866 or visit their website at http://ocrra.org for any of your questions regarding items you don't know how to dispose of or any questions you may have regarding recycling.

Do you have a schedule for leaf removal?


No. There is no specific schedule for any area. Highway leaf pick up typically starts at the end of October and will continue as long as weather permits. Both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up roadside. Please keep them seperate from all other debris.

Leaf pick up is a courtesy of the Town of Clay. The Highway Department attempts to get to all areas twice during the season, however, when snow accumulates, trucks are then turned over to plows and leaves will no longer be picked up.

As a reminder: weekly brush pick up will be available through the second week of December, with the exception of Districts 1 and 6.

Onondaga County of Transportation

Questions and Answers

Do you have Onondaga County and/or New York State Department of Transportation's phone number?


Yes. If you live on a County highway and have questions regarding roadwork or drainage, please call Onondaga County DOT at (315) 435-5452 . If you live on Route 31 or have questions regarding Route 481, please call New York State DOT at (315) 458-1910.

Dead Animals Roadside

Questions and Answers

There is a dead animal in our street, can you have someone pick it up?


The following procedures will be followed for the pick up of dead animals on Town of Clay roads.

The Town Highway Department will pick up and dispose of large animals, such as deer, cattle, etc. on Town roads only. If unsure whether your road is owned and maintained by the Town of Clay, please contact the Highway office.

The Town of Clay will not pick up small dead animals, including cats, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, etc. on Town of Clay roads. Please follow the NYSDEC guidelines for the safe disposal of small dead animals. The guideline is to invert a double plastic bag over the carcass and put it into the trash.

Traffic Lights

Questions and Answers

Who do I contact for malfunctioning or damaged traffic lights?


The Town of Clay does not own or maintain any traffic lights. They are owned and maintained by (either) Onondaga County DOT or New York State DOT, depending on which street they are located.

Onondaga County DOT can be reached by phone at: (315) 435-5452. New York State DOT can be reached by phone at: (315) 458-1910.

Sanitary Sewer

Questions and Answers

Who do I contact when my sanitary sewer is not operating properly?


The Town of Clay contracts with Onondaga County Water and Environmental Protection Agency to come to your home to determine the source of the problem. They can be reached by phone 24/7 at: (315) 435-3157.

If the issue is from the home to the sewer vent it is the homeowner's responsibility. If it is from the sewer vent to the road it is then the Town's responsibility.

I reside in the Horseshoe Island sewer district and my sewer's grinding pump is not operating properly


The Town of Clay contracts with C & S Engineering, Steven Mearon for pump maintenance. He may be reached 24/7 by phone or text at (315) 569-6175 or by email at smearon@cscos.com.

Non-pump related problems such as pipe leaking, surface water, cave-ins, or construction issues call the Town of Clay Highway Department during office hours at (315) 652-3800 ext 124.




Joseph A. Nicoletti, Jr.


(315) 652-3800 x 4
(315) 652-5137
7:00 AM - 3:30 PM M-Friday
Summer Hours: 6:30 AM - 4:30 PM M-Thursday

Support Staff

Tricia Herzog

Information Aide

Carmon Phillips

Information Aide