

The Recreation Department offers a diverse, year round program of activities for people of all ages, as well as a number of fine facilities.


Register for Town of Clay recreational programs, book pavilions, find leagues and more on our online platform RecDesk.

*Programs will be listed daily as dates are set. If you do not see a program you are looking for, please check back as we are constantly updating our offerings

Refund Policy: All refund requests must be submitted in writing to the Recreation Office or by email to REFUNDS MAY BE GIVEN ONLY 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF PROGRAM START. After this period, refunds are determined by the program director. If a request for a refund is submitted for medical reasons, you may be asked to provide proof from the treating physician.


Parks and Green Areas

The Town operates four townwide facilities, which are designed to accommodate large activities and functions.

Additional Recreation Dept. Forms and Waivers

For Registrants who wish to not use our RecDesk Online Registration please use the waiver below.

If you are looking for an application for summer employment, please visit the Careers page, fill out the form and return to the Recreation Department.




James Muscatello

Commissioner of Recreation

(315) 652-3800 x 6
(315) 622-7259

Support Staff


Cady Montague

Program Administrator


Chrissy Clancy

Senior Citizen Coordinator