Older Adult Programming

All participants in senior programs must join the town of clay senior center and recieve and official id badge. Paperwork to join, if you have not done so, must be filled out at clay town hall.

Please know that we encourage your requests, comments, ideas and creative input regarding YOUR Senior Center.

Contact Details:

  • Senior Programming Coordinator: Chrissy Clancy
  • Office Address: Town of Clay Recreation Department
    Attn: Chrissy Clancy, Older Active Adults Coordinator
    4401 Route 31
    Clay, New York 13041
  • Office Hours: 8:30AM - 4:30PM Monday through Friday
  • Senior Center Address: 4948 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041
  • E-mail: seniors@townofclay.org

Join us at our Clay Senior Center located on Route 31 in the old fire barn across from Immanuel Lutheran Church. The Senior Center offers WiFi for all the Tech savvy! The Clay Senior Center offers many and varied programs to Clay Seniors including - Cards, Creative Arts, Sewing Guild, Chair Yoga,Yarn Circle, Ball Drumming, Nutritious Lunches, Fitness Programs, just to name a few! There is a weekly to-go take out lunches and specialty programs too! We at the Town of Clay are pleased and proud to be able to offer Clay Seniors the very best in quality Senior programming. Contact our office at 652-3800 extension 137 or email cclancy@townofclay.org for more information.

Senior Center Happenings

For up to date Senior programs and offerings please visit our Town of Clay Senior Facebook Page by clicking the link below:

Recreation-Senior Facebook Page

Walker Club

Ahoy Wanderers! Every Tuesday we will embark on a Brand New Adventure with our Wanderer's Club for Seniors. Designed as a 'social fitness program' to get us up, out and moving, exploring and having a socially good time. A new destination to explore each week at a wanderer's pace! Programs are outlined in the Senior Newsletter. You are responsible for your own transportation to the various locales. Last minute show ups are welcome, except where mandatory registration is noted! There is no cost to join but be aware that some destinations may have an admission and/or parking fee. This is your sole responsibility. Walking will always be involved but at your own pace and as near or as far as pleases you! Destination subject to cancellation due to weather. When in doubt pleases call Chrissy after 8:30 AM. Register at 652-3800 x 137.

Other Programs / Services

AARP 55+ Driving Classes

Please call 458-0050 or 1-888-227-7669 for registration information.

Free Blood Pressure & Cholesterol Screening

Call 475-9921 for more information.

Oasis Senior Education & Programs

Call 464-5912 for information.

Peer to Peer Senior Support Service

Call 464-6555. Free & Confidential solutions.

Your Neighborhood Advisor - Elderly Services

(315) 424-1810 ext 22. available for free & confidential outreach.

Catholic Charities and New York State Department of Aging subsidized.




James Muscatello

Commissioner of Recreation

(315) 652-3800 x 6
(315) 622-7259

Support Staff


Cady Montague

Program Administrator


Chrissy Clancy

Senior Citizen Coordinator