Assessments & Grievances

Download detailed Instructions for filing an assessment appeal


Key dates that affect the assessment process

Taxable status Date - March 1st

All properties appraised in current condition, including partially built new construction

Exemption Filing Deadline - March 1st

State Mandated-All property Tax Exemptions MUST be filed by this date-no exceptions

Tentative Roll Filed - May 1st

All changes for: Property values, property inventory, new properties, exemptions, addresses, ownership, special district charges/units and all other changes to the assessment roll are legally filed and available for public review for the first time.

Grievance Day - 4th Tuesday in May

A specific day set aside by state law for the challenge of assessment values before an
appointed Board of Assessment Review, though in a town as large as Clay, it is part of the daily process. No valuation changes can happen after Grievance Day until THE NEXT TAXABLE STATUS year. All values on the roll at this time will be utilized for the September School Tax Bill and the January Town and County bill. If no grievance was filed, no assessment changes can legally be entertained until the following taxable status year

Final Assessment Roll Filed - July 1st

Roll is permanent the September School Tax/January County and Town Tax. Nothing can change. Taxing jurisdictions now use assessment roll data to set budgets and tax rates

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Assessor of the Town of Clay, County of Onondaga, has completed his Tentative Assessment Roll for the current year; that a copy thereof is available in the Assessment Office from 8:30 AM-4:30 PM M-F, where it may be examined by any person interested therein until the FOURTH TUESDAY OF MAY.

May 6, 2023 Clay Town Hall 4:00 PM-8:00 PM
May 11, 2023 Clay Town Hall 7:00 AM-11:00AM
May 15, 2023 Clay Town Hall 8:30 AM-12:30 PM
May 20, 2023 Clay Town Hall 4:00 PM-8:00 PM

Grievance Day will be held on May 28, 2024 between the hours of 4:00 PM through 8:00 PM for a total of at least four hours. The Board of Assessment Review will meet in the meeting room at CLAY TOWN HALL, 4401 NEW YORK STATE ROUTE 31, CLAY NEW YORK 13041, to hear and examine all verified written complaints in relation to such assessments, on the application of any person believing himself aggrieved thereby. Grievances must be filed by the close of business, 4:30 PM on May 28 2024. 



Commercial Grievances

If you are filing a grievance on a commercial property, please fill out the attached forms and return a printed copy to our office:




Robert A. Bick


(315) 652-3800
(315) 652-4411

Support Staff

Krissy Alpuerto

Information Aide

Mike LeMay

Assessment Clerk

Stacey Mort

Information Aide

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