Planning Board
The Planning Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month, starting at 7:30 PM. All meetings are held at the Town of Clay, Town Hall, 4401 State Route 31, Clay, NY. Legal notices are published on our website and in the Post-Standard, the official newspaper of the Town of Clay. The Planning Board is authorized to review and approve applications for subdivisions, site plans, and special permits, and offer recommendations to the Town Board on requests for zone changes
Planning Board Chairman: Russ Mitchell
Deputy Chair: Michelle Borton
Planning Board Members: Karen Guinup, James Palumbo, Harold Henty, Albert McMahon, Paul Graves
Secretary: Marie Giannone
Engineer: C & S Engineers
Attorney: Kathleen Bennett, Esq.
Upcoming Agendas
We have not posted the next agenda yet. Please check back later.