

Oct 31, 2023



See attached. 

Oct 31, 2023



See attached. 

Oct 30, 2023


MICRON - Supervisor Ulatowski invites you to:

Take the Micron Community Engagement Survey!

We invite you to provide input on an exciting investment opportunity. As part of Micron's plans to bring leading-edge memory manufacturing to Central New York, Micron and New York State have committed to a $500 million investment in community and workforce development over the next 20 years. The Micron Community Engagement Committee (CEC) is working to develop a document Community Priorities Document to guide these investments. Your feedback is essential in shaping our community's future.

The survey takes approximately 4 minutes and provides us with essential feedback we'll use to inform investment priorities.

Oct 13, 2023


Trash Collection and Importance of Covered Trash Containers

As a reminder, please be sure your trash containers have lids and the trash is covered at all times, especially during rainy weather. This extra water adds unnecessary weight which can result in an injury to yourself or someone else upon being moved. The hauler has been having issues with trash cans being full of water, thus when they dump the trash, their hopper becomes overloaded. As the truck stops and starts for pick-ups, the water will spill out over the top of the truck resulting in a sludge-type mixture which ultimately spills on the roadway; this is unpleasant for everyone. As well, additional water weight contributes to the reduction of fuel efficiency and increasing waste costs. On occasion, some refuse may even spill out on the road and the hauler is unaware as he pulls forward. Note: The Town of Clay discourages the hauler from compressing their trucks in residential neighborhoods and asks them to ensure all seals are functioning and up to date.

The following are a FEW good reasons to KEEP A LID on your trash:

1) A closed container keeps water out. Containers with water will make the cans heavier and ultimately that water is deposited into the truck creating unnecessary fluid and weight (as mentioned above). If this water were to freeze, the garbage could also freeze to the container and the hauler is unable to empty
the trash can.
2) A closed container will help keep your yard and neighborhood cleaner.
3) A closed container keeps the wind out and avoids trash blowing in yards and streets.
4) A closed container keeps birds and other unwanted animals out as they are attracted to garbage and contribute to littering.
5) A closed container keeps flies out. Infestations occur when a fly gets into a certain area and lays eggs.

Thank you for your continued cooperation.

Sep 29, 2023


SEQR - Amerco Real Estate Company

See attached.