Oct 14, 2024Legal |
Public Hearing Notice: Town Board Case #1212: MIRABITO ENERGY PROJECTS/KELLY-TOBIN DEVELOPMENT CORP. - Adjourned to 12/16/24 @ 7:35 P.M.***ADJOURNED TO 12/16/2024 @ 7:35 P.M.*** TOWN OF CLAY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Clay will hold a Public Hearing on October 21, 2024, at 7:38 P.M. p.m. at the Clay Town Hall, located at 4401 State Route 31, Clay, New York to consider the application of Town Board Case #1212: MIRABITO ENERGY PROJECTS/KELLY-TOBIN DEVELOPMENT CORP., for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 230-16 B.(2)(e)[7] – Drive-in Service to allow for a drive-thru coffee shop on land located at the intersection of Route 31 at Lawton Road, Tax Map No. 077.-34-17.1 consisting of +/-9.57 acres of land. The property is located in the HC-1 Highway Commercial District. At such time all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard. By Resolution of the Town Board dated October 7, 2024. TOWN BOARD, TOWN OF CLAY, ONONDAGA COUNTY, STATE OF NEW YORK BY: JILL HAGEMAN-CLARK, TOWN CLERK |
Jul 25, 2024Legal |
Public Hearing Notice: MCDONALD’S USA, LLC. - Adjourned to 01/22/25 @ 7:35 P.M.***ADJOURNED TO 01/22/2025 @ 7:35 P.M.*** TOWN OF CLAY LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Town Board of the Town of Clay will hold a Public Hearing on August 19, 2024, at 7:38 P.M. p.m. at the Clay Town Hall, located at 4401 State Route 31, Clay, New York to consider the application of MCDONALD’S USA, LLC., for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 230-16C.(2)(e)[2] Drive-In Service to allow for a McDonald’s restaurant with a drive-thru on land located at 4979 Taft Road, Tax Map No. 107.-20-01.1, consisting of +/-1.43 acres of land on a proposed lease parcel. The property is located in the RC-1 Regional Commercial and LuC-1 Limited Use districts. At such time all persons interested will be given an opportunity to be heard. By Resolution of the Town Board dated July 15, 2024.
Jun 25, 2024Highway |
Blue Bins (Limit One per Household)At this time, our Highway Department must limit blue bins to one per household due to low inventory. We apologize for any inconvenience. The Town of Clay Highway Department has blue bins for Clay Town Residents ONLY. Should you need a bin, please stop by the Highway offices located at 4483 State Route 31.
May 17, 2024General |
Goguen Drive Realty, LLC - Special Permit Informational DocumentsInformational documents in reference to the application of GOGUEN DRIVE REALTY, LLC., for a Special Permit pursuant to Section 230-17 E.(2)(a)[4] - Bulk Processing Facility, to allow for a Concrete Batch Plant on land located at 7835 Goguen Drive, Tax Map No. 087.-01-08.1 consisting of +/- 6.24 acres of land are linked here: |
Feb 7, 2024Supervisor |
Draft Mitigation Plan - Overland Drainage of Western Clay (including Willow Stream and Black Brant Dr.)See attached draft mitigation and improvement plan for the overland drainage of Western Clay (including Willow Stream & Black Brant Drive). Publish date: February 7, 2024; 4:16 P.M. Document
Drainage Task List.pdf70.88 KB
Drainage Western Clay.pdf58.95 KB