CHA Members Honored

Posted on December 20, 2016

Cha Award 2

CHA Members Honored

At their regular meeting, October 17, 2016, the Clay Historical Association presented two of its members with recognition awards. They are Howard Snow (left) and Carl Lepinske (right). For Howard, it was a couple award including his wife Beverly (posthumously), who was president many times and on many committees. During one of her terms of office, the property for the Historic Park was obtained from Merle Melvin and the Railroad Station from Donald Sotherden. Carl Sotherden served as treasurer for many years as well as on various committees and projects. All three were members since the formation of the group in 1975. They were given “Golden Spike Awards” which were constructed by John Wheeler from a railroad spike topped by a small train and painted gold. This is the first presentation and will continue to be an annual event.

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