Damian M. Ulatowski
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(315) 652-3800 x 162
Damian is a long time resident of the Town of Clay and holds a BA from Fredonia State University. He is a 20-year veteran of Town government (specifically for the Town of Clay) and has held several positions including Councilman, Liaison to the Highway Department, Deputy Supervisor and currently in his role as Supervisor to the Town where he was originally appointed in 2008 and elected in 2009. During his tenure, he has supported and advocated for smaller local governments and is committed to providing efficient governmental services. He is an advocate of green technology, securing several grants over the years for various projects including upgrades to the highway garage and solar array systems located at town hall and the highway offices. His long-range vision is sustainability for a cleaner, greener community for the future and beyond.
Damian serves on a number of boards in the Clay community and is currently President of the Onondaga County Supervisor’s Association. He is a volunteer for Meals-on-Wheels and a lector at St. Rose of Lima Church in the Village of North Syracuse, NY.